Tribute to the fighters-steel workers

Tribute to the fighters-steel workers
Not afraid of the "baking" test, these figures are moving!
The high temperature hits and the heat waves are raging. In the "Ten Mile Steel City", the strugglers always stick to their posts. With the scorching sun above their heads, they face the "hot" of the sun with the scorching sun, and accompany and dance with the hot sun. , To show the most moving figure with the most ordinary identity. Behind those ticking sweat is the deep attachment to the original heart and the unremitting struggle for the mission. They use sweat and passion, hard work and dedication to convey the righteousness of the strugglers. energy.
On July 19, the "heat wave" exploded, and the heat wave continued to exert force. The highest temperature in Hebei rose to nearly 39 degrees. In this "hot and sunny" weather pattern, the company's smelting system maintenance began as planned.
The overhaul of the smelting system involves a wide range of departments and projects, involving major overhaul departments such as ironworks, steel plants, energy branch plants, and technical transformation engineering departments, as well as related outsourced overhaul units. In hot weather, there are many overhaul personnel and heavy tasks. When the time was tight, everyone braved the high temperature to fight continuously and successfully completed various maintenance tasks according to the planned nodes.

On July 19, at the ironmaking blast furnace overhaul site, the labor chants were higher and higher, and the enthusiasm of the overhaul staff was more enthusiastic than the scorching sun.
In front of the furnace, an overhaul team composed of ironworks personnel resisted the high temperature and went all out to fight for overhaul. Among them, 32 employees in the 5 teams in the front of the iron-making blast furnace workshop are mainly responsible for the withdrawal of the small set of ejector rods, the replacement of the air duct and the small set of projects. Everyone performed their duties and worked in a division of labor. Some five or six people worked together to lift a small tuyere that weighed more than 260 kilograms, and used tools to pull it out with all their strength. The impact of "Kang Kang Kang" sounded like a drum; some He lifted a long steel rod and inserted it into the tuyere, while the other person raised a sledgehammer and hit the steel rod hard. The thick flame-retardant clothes on his body were all soaked in sweat after a while; some squatted in front of the tuyere and threw the sludge into it. Among them, bursts of heat gush out, and big beads of sweat run down his cheeks...

At the same time, in areas such as the top of the blast furnace, the hot blast stove system, the oxygen-enriched platform, the water treatment, the bottom of the tank, and the dry dust removal, various maintenance teams are racing against time to implement maintenance projects. The scorching sun is fierce, extremely hot, time is tight, and tasks are heavy. However, all maintenance personnel have overcome difficulties and strengthened on-site safety protection and heatstroke prevention and cooling measures. After 22 hours of continuous combat, 109 maintenance projects in 17 categories have been successfully completed safely in order to further improve the training. The iron production efficiency and the long-term stability of the blast furnace lay a solid foundation.
Steelmaking plant
Walking into the overhaul site of the large tube billet electric furnace in the steelmaking plant, the plant is too hot to withstand the heat, like a large steamer, airtight, and heat waves are raging in the air.
"The most difficult part of our overhaul this time was the replacement of sections A and B of the 3# electric furnace movable flue. The fixing method and structure were implemented for the first time, and the installation was difficult." said Wang Jiajun, deputy director of the operation workshop of the steelmaking plant, including 5 Inspectors, 6 of them are responsible for the promotion and coordination of all mechanical and hydraulic work related to the billet.
Under their arrangement, dozens of maintenance personnel were divided into multiple teams to work together on the top of the electric furnace, under the platform, and beside the cable trench. Due to the narrow working space, the removal and hoisting of the movable flue encountered difficulties. Everyone brainstormed, quickly discussed countermeasures, and worked out a safe and efficient plan at the first time. The installation of the new flue will further enhance the dust removal effect.
All maintenance personnel are fighting unremittingly with high temperature and dust. Their work clothes are wet and dry, dry and wet, and they are printed with thick layers of salt stains. With full of enthusiasm for work, they face the high temperature "baking" test. Go all out to complete the maintenance tasks with quality.

180 branch
The focus of this overhaul of the 180 branch is to carry out the gas switching of the ring furnace and the overhaul of the three main equipment. The outdoor is scorching hot, and the maintenance site of the branch plant is also hot. In the gas switching work of the ring furnace, the branch maintenance personnel carefully maintained various natural gas valves on the premise of safety protection work to ensure the normal use of the natural gas spray guns.
At the same time, the maintenance personnel of the three main engines carried out meticulous maintenance on rolls, racks and other equipment to ensure the stable accuracy of the center line of the main engine. Although everyone’s overalls were already soaked, but under the leadership of the backbone of the leadership, the maintenance personnel clenched their teeth under the high temperature, and grabbed the maintenance time according to the nodes. Thanks to everyone's efforts, at 11 o'clock on July 19, the unit started production smoothly, and the staff of the 180 branch successfully completed the overhaul task of this natural gas switchover.

Leadership care
In order to cheer everyone up, the company’s leaders came to the smelting system maintenance site to give condolences and guidance, and led the labor union, youth league committee, and Anhuan staff to deliver heatstroke prevention food such as herbal tea, watermelon, and popsicles, and urged employees to pay attention to maintenance and construction. Safety.


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