Beite Steel Pipe Holds Chinese New Year Symposium

Beite Steel Pipe holds Chinese New Year Symposium on February 11, 2022
Vientiane is updated, winter is coming and spring is coming. With the sound of gongs and drums returning to work after the festival, many leaders of the company held a New Year symposium to express their blessings and care for the new year.

Chairman Cao Jian first extended the blessings of the Year of the Tiger to all employees of each company and department, encouraged everyone to enter the working state quickly, and put forward specific suggestions and requirements for the operation of each company in the past year. He emphasized that he hoped that everyone will continue to study and grow in the new year. There must be professional thinking every week, and after thinking, there must be implementation. We must adhere to technological progress and lean management as the starting point, adhere to the positioning of specialization, specialization, and newness. Every cadre and employee must maintain a sense of responsibility and enterprising spirit, and look at the future development with a progressive vision. I hope everyone has the same fighting spirit as the Chinese women's football team and pursues all-round high quality.
Taurus has gone, Yin Tiger has arrived. I believe that in the new year, all Beite people will be able to continuously overcome and change themselves, and achieve high-quality development in 2022!


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