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Boiler Tube 
Stack, Packaging, Loading and Transportation
In order to better serve our customers and improve the quality of our products, we have made basic requirements for the storage, transportation, loading, packaging and marking of seamless boiler tubes produced by our company.
1. S
1.1 Boiler tubes shall not be directly stacked on the ground, steel plate or cement floor. In order to avoid dampness and pollution of boiler tubes, the distance of the first layer boiler tubes (or bundles) from the ground is not less than 0.20m.
1.2 The rack or stack should be arranged neatly, and the rack or stack should have a clear marking number. Boiler tubes shall be placed on designated racks or stacks according to the number (batch number), type, specification and thread type of the furnace. Boiler tubes with the same specification (or similar) and the same thread type but different furnace numbers are not allowed to be stored in the same rack or stack.
1.3 In order to prevent bending or thread damage of boiler tubes, boiler tubes (or tube bundles) should be placed on sleepers with proper spacing and on the same horizontal plane (small square steel components with inner steel and outer plastic can be used instead of sleepers, but it is necessary to ensure the integrity of outer plastic, metal can not be exposed, the same as below), and ensure the alignment of one end of boiler tubes. Separation sleepers should be placed between casing and tubing (including casing and tubing bundles) layers (excluding code square stamping), at least two in each layer, and the sleepers should be placed vertically on the boiler tube and aligned up and down. If the boiler tube is stacked in the code layer (including the code square stomp) without the material rack, the wooden wedge should be properly placed or other methods should be adopted to prevent the rolling of the boiler tube.
1.4 Boiler tubes after cold rolling, cold drawing or bright annealing are not allowed to be stored in the open air. If the storage conditions are limited, appropriate protective measures should be taken to avoid corrosion of rainwater, snow, fog and a large number of dust pollution of boiler tubes when open storage is needed.

2. Transport
2.1 Railway Transportation
2.1.1 Carriage should be clean without stones, bricks and other hard objects to prevent them from scratching boiler tubes.
2.1.2 When boilers are loaded on railway freight cars, sleepers should be placed at the bottom of the carriage at equal distances along the length direction of the boilers or rough straw handles (diameter_ (>120 mm), height (>60 mm) after load reduction, and length should not be shorter than the width of the carriage). In order to prevent the boiler tube from rolling left and right, and avoid collision and friction with the carriage wall, two or more rough grasses should be placed between the boiler tube and the carriage wall (diameter_>120 mm, length can not be shorter than the height of the carriage).
2.1.3 When the length of boiler tube is allowed, each boiler tube is dislocated to both ends of the carriage.
2.2 Truck Transportation
2.2.1 Carriage shall be clean and free of stones, bricks and other hard objects in order to prevent them from scratching boiler tubes.
2.2.2 For bulk or bundled boiler tubes, sleepers should be placed on the bottom of the carriage. The vehicle with steel bracket for flat car must be equipped with protective rubber pad on the full length of the side contact with the boiler tube.
2.2.3 When the boiler tubes (or bundles) are transported to the warehouse in the factory area, the boiler tubes (or bundles) should be properly placed with isolation sleepers, at least two locations along the length direction of the boiler tubes, and the mats should be placed vertically with the boilers aligned up and down. Padding should be placed horizontally and in good condition.
2.2.4 For the finished boilers delivered to customers by long distance transportation, they should be firmly bundled after loading. When bundled with wire ropes or chains, protective isolators should be padded at the bundled place of boilers or installed on wire ropes and chains to prevent damage to the surface of boilers and direct collision, friction and front between boilers and carriages. Move back.
2.2.5 Boiler tubes (or bundles) should be shipped in batches according to furnace number (batch number) strictly when they are transferred to warehouses in the plant area.
2.3 Shipment
2.3.1 Boiler pipes should be padded and properly supported in the cabin to prevent the rolling and channeling of boiler pipes caused by the inclination of the hull. Avoid pipe end hitting hatch edge and hull railing.
2.3.2 Avoid stacking boiler tubes in sewage or harmful chemicals or other corrosive media. 

3. Loading
3.1 In order to prevent pipe depression, indentation, scratch and thread damage, disk hoisting, nylon belt or steel wire rope with protective isolator should be used when loading.
3.2 No more than two bundles of boiler tubes are allowed to be hoisted at the same time. When the weight of single bundle exceeds 3000kg, only single bundle hoisting is allowed.
3.3 No nylon belt or wire rope is forcibly pulled out when it is tied down by boiler tube or tube. When delivering boilers'pipes to users, due to the limitation of loading conditions, the pulling nylon belt or wire rope must be smooth to avoid strong collision and impact between boilers or tube bundles or tube bundles rolling, and barbaric handling is strictly prohibited.
3.4 When using tail hook to load and unload pipes, the end of pipes should be prevented from being damaged. Cushioning material is required on the contact surface with the pipe end. When hoisting, there should be no impact load sufficient to cause local concave or lost garden on the pipe body or end.
3.5 When using a forklift truck, the end of the forklift truck should be circular and properly lined so as to minimize the damage to the pipes.
4. Packaging
4.1 Bundle Packaging
4.1.1 Boiler pipes should be avoided from being damaged during bundling and transportation, and the bundling signs should be uniform.
4.1.2 The same bundle of boiler tubes shall be of the same furnace number (batch number), the same grade and the same specification, and the less than one bundle shall be bundled into small bundles.
4.1.3 The weight of each bundle of boiler tubes shall not exceed 3000kg. With the user's consent, the bundle weight can be increased, but the maximum weight can not exceed 5000kg.
4.1.4 When bundling flat-end boiler tubes, one end should be aligned, the difference between the two ends of the alignment ends is less than 20 mm, and the difference between the lengths of each bundle of boiler tubes is less than 0.60 M. However, the difference between the lengths of each bundle of boiler tubes ordered according to the usual length is less than 1.5 m, and the lengths of the longest and secondary bundles of boiler tubes are less than 0.30 M.
4.1.5 For the bundling of boiler tubes with coupling, the coupling of two adjacent rows of boiler tubes should be staggered from the second floor to the back, and the staggered length is not less than one coupling. The length difference of each bundle of boiler tubes is less than 0.60 m, and the longest and second lengths of a bundle of boiler tubes are less than 0.30 M.
4.1.6 According to the requirement of the demander, plastic protective caps can be worn at both ends of each flat-end boiler tube.
4.2 Bundling Form
The bundling forms of boiler tubes are basically divided into two types: one is general type, the other is special type with plastic steel bracket.
4.2.1 General Type
Boiler tubes can be structured into triangles, hexagons or other regular shapes.
Boiler tube length is greater than or equal to 8 m, each bundle of at least 9 steel strips, divided into three groups, beaten into 3-3-3; Boiler tube length is less than 8 m, each bundle of 8 steel strips, divided into three groups, beaten into 3-2-3. The distance between each strip in the end group is about 0.20 m, the first strip is about 0.50 m from the aligned end of the boiler tube, the last strip of the fixed-length boiler tube is about 0.50 m from the other end, and the last strip of the non-fixed-length boiler tube is about 0.30 m from the shortest end of the boiler tube. The middle group of strips is evenly arranged, but the distance between the steel strip and the steel strip is the maximum of 2 m.

(Fig. 1, schematic diagram of the position of fixed-length boiler tubes bundled with steel strips with length less than or equal to 8 meters)

Fig. 1 (Schematic diagram of the location of fixed-length boiler tubes bundled with steel strips whose length is less than or equal to 8 meters)
When there are special requirements, each bundle of two steel wire rope buckles, the distance between the buckle and the end of the pipe is 1/4 of the length of the boiler tube. The steel wire rope plus PVC pipe, no part of the connection of the PVC pipe plus rubber belt, to clamp with two ropes, and screw into a rope buckle. When there are special requirements, four plastic clasps or nylon rope rings can be added to a single boiler tube. The clasps or rope rings should be firmly fastened and should not be loose or fall off during transportation.

4.3 Special Type of Plastic Steel Bracket
When there are special requirements, the boiler tube can be made into a square with plastic steel bracket. Four brackets are placed on each layer of boiler tube. The first bracket is 0.50m away from the alignment end of boiler tube, the last bracket of fixed length boiler tube is 0.50m away from the other end, and the last bracket of non-fixed length boiler tube is 0.25m away from the shortest boiler tube end. The remaining two brackets are evenly arranged. The brackets are fixed by fasteners.
4.4 Container Packaging
4.4.1 Cold-rolled or cold-drawn seamless boiler tubes and surface-polished hot-rolled stainless boiler tubes can be packed in containers (e.g. iron boxes and wooden boxes).
4.4.2 The weight of the packed container shall be in accordance with Table 1. The maximum weight of each container can be increased by negotiation between the supplier and the demander.
Table 1 Weight of Packaging Containers
Boiler tube Maximum weight per container, kg
Boiler tube with diameter greater than or equal to 20 mm 2000
Boiler tube with outer diameter less than 20 mm 1500

4.4.3 When the boiler tube is loaded into the container, the inner wall of the container should be padded with felt paper, plastic cloth or other moisture-proof materials. Containers should be tight and not seepage.
If the boiler tube is sealed and packed with plastic cloth or other moisture-proof material, appropriate amount of desiccant should be added. The outside of the container should be tightened by steel strip or double wire or other methods.
4.4.4 For boiler tubes packaged in containers, a label shall be attached to the container. A sign should also be hung on the outer end of the container.

5 Marks
5.1 Lacquer prints, printed markings and coatings of bulk boiler tubes shall be carried out in accordance with the specific requirements of the products. The marker should be clear and clear, and not easy to fall off.


5.2 Pipe Printing
5.2.1 Marker Location
For the boiler tube marked by the way of pipe moving, the vertical surface of the tube should be painted from 1000 mm to 1200 mm away from the end of the tube; for the boiler tube marked by the way of pipe moving, the vertical surface of the tube should be painted from 600 mm to 800 mm away from the end of the tube; the font color is white, with different interiors. Appropriate intervals should be set aside between capacities.
5.2.2 Pipe Lacquer Marking Dimensions
Pipe body marking dimensions are shown in Table 2.
Outer Diameter Size (Inch) Lacquer Mark Size (Character Matrix Format)
≤2 Small characters (7*5)
>2~<7 Medium-sized character 1 (10*8)
≥7~≤9-5/8 Medium-sized character 2 (12*8)
>9-5/8 Large Characters (14*10)
5.3 Pipe Printing
5.3.1 Marker Location
The dot matrix printing method should be used to print the mark on the longitudinal and outward surface of the tube within 400 mm from the end of the tube.
5.3.2 Print Mark Size
The size of the print mark is shown in Table 3.
Outer Diameter Size (Inch) Print mark height (mm)
<7 10~14
≥7 16~18

5.4 For each bundle of boiler tubes packed in bundles, a label shall be attached to each of the boiler tubes in the middle of each end. For steel bundles with protective caps, the label can be directly tied to the protective cap; for boiler tubes without protective caps, two protective caps (external protective caps) which can be directly tied to the label should be installed on each bundle of boiler tubes. The protective cap shall be uniformly coloured in each delivery contract lot of the boiler tube.

5.5 The basic content and size of the sign
5.5.1 The basic contents and dimensions of the custom plastic label for bundling boiler tube products are shown in Fig. 2.

Beite steel pipe
Steel grade:
Heat No:
Lot No:
 Figure 2 Customized plastic label for bundling
5.5.2 For a label printed directly by a computer, the output format is executed with reference to Fig. 2, which should include at least the basic contents of a plastic label.
5.5.3 Sign is not allowed to be filled in manually, so it should be printed by computer.
5.5.4 The labels in each delivery contract lot shall be uniform in color and specifications and shall not be allowed to be mixed.


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